Authors Index - R

Music and Texts of  GARY BACHLUND

Vocal Music Piano | Organ Chamber Music Orchestral | Articles and Commentary | Poems and StoriesMiscellany | FAQs


Authors Alphabetically


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REAGAN,  Ronald Wilson    (1911-2004)


            The Second Oldest Profession, in Seven Presidential Pardons (2007)    

               for medium or high voice and piano


REESE, Lizette Woodworth    (1856-1935)

A Little Song of Life - (2009)     
    for medium voice and piano

RICHARDS, Laura Elizabeth  (1850-1943)

Eletelephony - (2009)     
    for medium voice and piano

RILEY, James Whitcomb    (1849-1916)

A Life Lesson - (2018)    

   for baritone and piano


The Lugubrious Whing-Whang - (2009)     

   for medium or low voice and piano

RILKE, Rainer Maria   (1875-1926)

Advent - (2011)    

   for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano


Alles ist Eins - (2008)     
    for medium voice and piano


Das Karussell - (2001)     
    for medium voice and piano


Das Lied des Trinkers - (2012)    

    for bass or baritone and piano


Schlußstück - (2016)    

   for mezzo soprano and piano


Zwei Rilke-lieder - (2008)      
    for mezzo soprano and piano

       i.   Herbst

       ii.  Frühling

RINGELNATZ, Joachim   (1883-1934)


          77 song settings


          An meinen Lehrer - (2009)    

             for baritone and piano


          Am Weihnachtsabend - (2012)    

             for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano


          Aus meiner Kinderzeit - (2009)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Beinchen - (2018)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Bumerang - (2009)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Bürokratismus - (2009)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Chansonette - (2009)    

             for medium voice and piano


          Das Parlament - (2013)    

             for medium voice and piano


          Der Blinde - (2015)    

             for tenor and piano

                 as Hans Bötticher


          Der Komiker - (2012)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Der letzte Weg - (2009)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Der Sänger - (2012)    

              for tenor and piano


          Die Ameisen - (2009)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Die Geschichte vom Hänschen - (2009)    

              for medium voice and piano 


         Die Moral - (2008)    

              for medium or low voice and piano


         Die sonnige Kinderstraße - (2010)    

             for medium voice and piano


         Ein Singsang - (2019)    

             for baritone and piano


         Ein Pudding - (2015)    

            for tenor and piano

                 as Hans Bötticher (and with Ferdinand Kahn)


         Einer Unglücklichen - (2012)    

              for medium or low voice and piano


         Errare humanum est - (2013)     

               for medium voice and piano


          Fliege und Wanze - (2006)    

              for high voice and piano


          Frau Teemaschine - (2009)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Freude - (2008)   

               for high or medium voice


          Goodbye - (2012)     

             for baritone or bass and piano


          Ich machte - (2011)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Im heißen Bad - (2010)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Im Park - (2010)    

              for medium voice and piano


          In Zelle 108 - (2009)    

             for medium voice and piano


          Kindergebetchen - (2013)   

             for medium or high voice and piano


          Kleine Wesen - (2008)     

               for medium voice and piano

                   i.     Einleitung

                   ii.    Die Feder

                   iii.   Der Funke

                   iv.   Der Edelstein

                   v.    Die Seifenblase

                   vi.   Das Ei

                   vii.  Der Floh

                   viii. Die Nadel

                   ix.   Das Samenkorn

                   x.    Der Wassertropfen

                   xi.   Der Knopf

                   xii.  Der Stein

                   xiii. Der kleine Junge

                   xiv. Das kleine Mädchen


          Lange nichts gegessen - (2009)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Liedchen - (2009)    

              for medium voice and piano


          Logik - (2009)     

              for medium voice and piano


          Martiniade - (2019)    

             for soprano and piano


          Morgenwonne - (2013)    

              for baritone and piano


          Ohrwurm und Taube - (2011)    

             for medium voice and piano


          Rezept - (2009)    

             for medium voice and piano


          Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt - (2009)    

               for medium voice and piano

                   i.      Ein Kehlkopf

                   ii.     Beim Mittagessen!

                   iii.    Ein Nagel saß in einem Stück Holz

                   iv.    Ein Stahlknopf

                   v.     Die Nacht starb

                   vi.    An einem Teiche

                   vii.   Der Spiegel, der Kamm und der Schwamm

                   viii.  Weißt du's?

                   ix.    Schon gut!

                   x.     Ein Lied

                   xi.    Liebens Malzbonbon

                   xii.   Ein Nadelkissen

                   xiii.  Ein Schwefelholz

                   xiv.  Miliz


           Schenken - (2011)    

               for mezzo soprano and piano        


          So fand ich gestern Nachmittag  - (2011)     

               for medium voice and piano


          Spaghetti - (2011)     

               for tenor and piano


          Strumpfsinn Lieder - (2006)     

               for high voice and piano

                   i.    Die Schnupftabaksdose

                   ii.   Ein männlicher Briefmark

                   iii.  Ein große Genie

                   iv.  Eine gelbe Zitrone

                   v.   Unterm Tisch


          Tante Qualle und der Elefant - (2008)   

               for medium voice and piano


          Überall - (2010)    

               for medium voice and piano


          Volkslied - (2009)   

               for medium voice and piano


          Wir sind... - (2010)   

               for medium voice and piano


          Zum Bockspringen - (2009)   

               for medium voice and piano


RONSARD, Pierre de - (1524-1585)


             Quand je te vois - (2007)     

                   for mezzo soprano and piano


ROSENBERG, Isaac   (1890-1918)

Dead Man's Dump, in Songs of War (2004)    

    for baritone and piano


On Receiving News of the War - (2013)    

    for medium voice and piano

ROSSETTI, Christina     (1830 - 1894)

Cousin Kate - (2016)   

    for soprano and piano

ROWSON, Susanna Haswell     (1762-1824)

Song - (2012)    

   for mezzo soprano and piano

RÜCKERT, Freidrich   (1788-1866)

Aufgegeben Endreime - (2004)      
    for medium voice and piano


Du bist die Ruh - (2010)    

    for high or medium voice and piano


Ich liebe dich, weil ich dich lieben muß - (2007)     

    for high or medium voice and piano


Sechs Ritornelle in canonischen Weisen - (2011)    

   for medium voice and piano

RÜHM, Gerhard   (b. 1965)

sonnett, in Unsinn Poesie (1995)

    for medium voice and piano

RUMMEL, Rudolph J.   (b. 1932)

Pray tell, my brother, why   (2008)     

    for low, medium or high voice and piano