Martinitade- (2019)   

Joachim Ringlenatz

for soprano and piano

for D. Polaski and S. Lintzen, proprietors


Wer prickelbunte, kleine Nächte liebt,

Der weiß wohl, wo's das gibt.


Schneuz deine Nase

Und kämm dein Haar.

Mainzer Landstraße

M a r t i n i - B a r .


Da knoblen die Nobeln um Edel-drinks

Beim Kling-Klang rechts und links.


Ein schönes Kleid und Sekt,

Rings Lebewelt. -

Musik, die Fühle streckt,

Von dir bestellt.


Die Gäste bekannt oder unbekannt,

So bleibt es interessant.


Wer dann nach Hause zieht,

Schwenkt seinen Hut:

"Wie schnell die Zeit entflieht!

Hier war es gut!"

3 page, circa 1' 45"


Hemmingway Sour


Who'd effervescent, festive evenings seek
Knows quite well, where off to sneak.

Blow nose and dress up
And ready pourboire.
Mainz' thoroughfare's
M a r t i n i  B a r.

There party the fine folk with drink all around;
Right and left toasts bright resound.

With bubbly dress and drink,
Oft rowdyish,
Music the senses tease
As one might wish.

The guests, oft well known, oft maybe not,
Are always an interesting lot.

Who then at evening's end
Cheers, waves his hat:
'How fast does time fly by!
How great was that!'


rhymed paraphrase by the composer

Copyright © 2019 Gary Bachlund     All international rights reserved.



 . After a bubbly evening of festive drink and fine food, entertaining conversation over music, culture and life, some 'recovery' was needed. In reading a few days thereafter Ringelnatz' little poem, a setting came to mind to fête our hostesses. Ergo....


For other settings of Ringelnatz' texts, click here.



The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this art song score.

