Die Ameisen - (2009) 
Joachim Ringelnatz
for medium voice and piano
In Hamburg lebten zwei Ameisen,
Die wollten nach Australien reisen.
Bei Altona auf der Chaussee,
Da taten ihnen die Beine weh,
Und da verzichteten sie weise
Dann auf den letzten Teil der Reise.
So will man oft und kann doch nicht
Und leistet dann recht gern Verzicht.
[ 2 pages, circa 1' 30" ]

Joachim Ringelnatz
There lived in Hamburg two ants
Who wanted to travel to Australia.
On the highway near Altona
their legs hurt quite a lot,
And for this they wisely cancelled
From the last part of the journey.
So it is, that often we want to do but cannot do,
and renounce it gladly.

The two ants in their stumbling fashion are characterized by the upper voices, moving by tiny half steps. The deep bass is distant from them and not to be reached as these quixotic voices move from octave to octave. The opening vocal line seems as if in 6/8, but by the end of the setting it settles back into a distinct 3/4.

The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.

Die Ameisen