So fand ich gestern Nachmittag - (2011) 
Joachim Ringelnatz
for medium voice and piano
So fand ich gestern Nachmittag
In einer Retirade
Ein Stückchen Schokolade,
Das in der Abflußrinne lag.
Zwar leb ich von der Hand in Mund
Und bin durchaus nicht kein Baron,
Doch hab ichs liegen lassen und
Verzichte auf den Finderlohn.
[ 1 page, circa 1' 00" ]

Joachim Ringelnatz
Yesterday afternoon I found
While going to the loo
A little piece of chocolate
In the pissing trough, askew.
It's true I live hand to mouth
And no baronial rank have I,
But still I left it lying there;
To such a reward I still say goodbye.
rhymed paraphrase by the composer

The text is from Ringelnatz' Geheimes Kinder-Spiel-Buch. The poem-and-picture book was intended by its author "für Kinder von 5 bis 15 Jahren gedichtet und bebildert von Joachim Ringelnatz." This sort of cabaret humor was among his trademarks, in a time of nationalism, wars and sweeping social crisis throughout Europe: it is indeed better to laugh than to cry, a truth as true today as then with increasing societal tensions, wars and tragedies enough for any age.

The score for So fand ich gestern Nachmittag is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.

So fand ich gestern Nachmittag