Der Blinde - (2015) 
Hans Bötticher
for tenor and piano
Stephen Chambers gewidmet
Ich bin gereist in Leid und Weh,
Gar lange, lange Zeit,
Mein Herz ist trüb', da ich nicht seh'
Des Frühlings Herrlichkeit.
Ich find die Wege nimmer,
Ich bin schon alt und bleich,
Nur einen find' ich immer,
Den Weg zum Himmelreich!
2 pages, circa 2' 30"

I am traveled through sorrow and woe
From far, so far and long ago.
My heart is worn: I neither see nor know
Spring's once resplendent youth filled show.
That pathway back will I nevermore find,
Already to ashen age am I inclined;
To then one path must I be resigned,
Toward heaven's gate am I thus consigned.
rhymed paraphrase by the composer
Copyright © 2015

This is an early and serious text from Hans Bötticher, who adopted the now famous moniker Joachim Ringelnatz, published in «Nachgelassene Gedichte 1893-1934». For more settings of Ringelnatz texts, click here. The piano part is intended to be legato and sustained throughout, especially in the quietest moments, as the vocal line sings another part within the motet-like structure, breaking away to soar with the resignation of the text.

The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.

Der Blinde