Authors Alphabetically
MACHADO, António (1875-1939)
Anoche cuando dormía - (2008) 
for tenor and piano
En El Entierro de Un Amigo - (2008) 
for tenor and piano
La noria - (2008) 
for tenor and piano
Sol de invierno - (2010) 
for medium voice and piano
MacLEISH, Archibald (1892-1982)
An Eternity - (2010) 
for low voice and piano
MALLOCH, Douglas (1877 - 1938)
Be the Best of Whatever You Are - (2009) 
for medium or low voice and piano
MANSFIELD, Katherine (1888-1923)
There is a solemn wind tonight - (2019) 
for mezzo soprano and piano
MARE, Walter de la - See De la Mare, Walter
MARGARET, Duchess of Newcastle - (1624-1674)
Love and Poetry - (2016) 
for soprano and piano
MARGETSON, George Reginald (1877-?)
Every man - (2008) 
for medium or low voice and piano
MARQUIS, Don (1878 - 1937)
A Seaside Romance - (2010) 
for tenor and piano
Frustration - (2011) 
for tenor and piano
MASEFIELD, John (1878-1967)
Captain Stratton's Fancy - (2010) 
for baritone and piano
MASON, Walt (1862 - 1939)
Lions and Ants - (2006) 
for high or medium voice and piano
MAY, Beulah (n. d.)
The Wanderer - (2005) 
for mezzo soprano and piano
McCRAE, John (1872-1918) 
In Flanders Fields - (2008)
for medium or medium high voice
McGIRT, James Ephraim (1874-1930)
Born Like the Pines - (2010) 
for medium voice and piano
Don't Laugh, Boys - (2010) 
for medium voice and piano
Nothing to Do - (2008) 
for high voice and piano
Satan - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
W'en de sun shines hot - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
McKAY, Claude (1889-1948)
A Prayer - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
America - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
If We Must Die - (2010) 
for medium voice and piano
On Broadway - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
The Harlem Dancer - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
The Wild Goat - (2010) 
for medium voice and piano
When I Have Passed Away - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
MEISL, Carl (1775-1853)
Arie des Orpheus - (2004) 
for baritone and piano
MELTON, Olivia (b. 1982)
Mietvertrag - (2007)
for medium voice and piano
METAXAS, Eric (b. 1963)
Apple Pie Dream - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
MILLAY, Edna St. Vincent (1892-1950)
Travel - (2013) 
for medium voice and piano
What Lips My Lips Have Kissed - (1986) 
for medium voice and piano
MISHKOVSKY, Zelda (1916 - 1984)
L'chol Ish Yeish Shem - (
) (1992)
for medium high voice and organ
MONROE, Harriet (1860–1936)
Love Song - (2011) 
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
MOORE, Thomas (1779-1852)
The Broken Heart - (2004)
for tenor and piano
MORGENSTERN, Christian (1871-1914)
48 settings
Das ästhetische Wiesel, in Das tierische Lied von der Erde (2001) 
for bass and piano
Das Bild - (2013) 
for high voice and piano
Das Gebet - (2016) 
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Das Nasobēm - (2010) 
for medium or low voice and piano
Der heroische Pudel - (2016) 
for high voice and piano
Der Rabe Ralf - (2009) 
for medium or low voice and piano
Der Seufzer - (2008) 
for mezzo soprano and piano
Der Werwolf - (2010) 
for medium voice and piano
Die drei Spatzen - (2013) 
for mezzo soprano and piano
Die Enten laufen Schlittschuh - (2013) 
for medium voice and piano
Die Lampe - (2013) 
for high voice and piano
Die Unterhose - (2015) 
for soprano and piano
Die zwei Wurzeln - (2011) in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene 
for medium voice and piano
Drei Hasen - (2019)
for medium voice and piano
Entwurf zu einem Trauerspiele - (2013)
for medium voice and piano
Fisches Nacthtgesang - (2008) 
for medium voice and piano
Frau Holle in ihrem himmlischen Haus - (2013) 
for soprano and piano
Igel und Agel - (2008) 
for medium voice and piano
Klabautermann - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
Kleine Geschichte - (2011) 
for baritone or bass and piano
Maimorgen - (2016) 
for soprano and harp
Nein! - (2008) 
for medium or high voice and piano
Neue Bildungen - (2011) in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene 
for medium voice and piano
Schnauz und Miez - (2010) 
for medium voice and piano
Toilettenkünste - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
Zehn Morgenstern-lieder - (2010) 
for soprano and piano
i. Das Lied vom blonden Korken
ii. Das Wasser
iii. Der Mitternachtsmaus
iv. Kronprätendenten
v. Tapetenblume
vi. Himmel und Erde
vii. Die beiden Flaschen
viii. Unter Zeiten
ix. Die beiden Esel
x. Der Traum der Magd
Zivilisatorisches - (2018) 
for medium voice and piano
Zwölf Morgenstern-lieder - (2013) 
for tenor and piano
i. An meine Taschenuhr
ii. Die Beichte des Wurms
iii. Der Flügelflagel
iv. Auf dem Fliegenplaneten
v. Möwenlied
vi. Der Purzelbaum
vii. Geiß und Schleiche
viii. Die Probe
ix. Der Aesthet
x. Denkmalswunsch
xi. Wiegenlied
xii. Der Tanz
MÖRIKE, Eduard (1804–1875)
Auf ein altes Bild - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
Der Kehlkopf - (2010) 
for medium or high voice and piano
Der Knabe und das Immlein - (2003) 
for medium high voice and piano
Die Gedanken treuer Liebe - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
Gebet - (2007) 
for tenor and piano
In der Hütte am Berg - (2010) 
for bass baritone and piano
Mausfallen-Sprüchlein - (2009) 
for medium or high voice
Schul-Schmaecklein - (2016) 
for baritone and piano
Septembermorgen - (2007) 
for high voice and piano
Verborgenheit - (2009) 
for high or low voice and piano
Cobbler, Mend My Shoe, in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers (2005) 
for mezzo soprano and piano
Dickory, dickory, dare, in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers (2005) 
for mezzo soprano and piano
Mary Had a Little Lamb, in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers (2005) 
for mezzo soprano and piano
Pat-a-cake, Baker's Man, in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers (2005) 
for mezzo soprano and piano
Rich Man, Poor Man, in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers (2005) 
for mezzo soprano and piano
The Child and the Star, in Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers (2005) 
for mezzo soprano and piano
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Am Tisch beim kühlen Wein - (2016) 
for baritone and piano
Drei Kleinigkeiten - (2007)

for high voice and piano
i. dreck
ii. eine menge Nobleße
iii. so, ich bitte
eine gute nacht - (2015)

for tenor and piano
Für ewig - (2009) 
for high voice and piano
Gute Nacht! - (2010) 
for medium voice and piano
Kleiner Rat - (2013) 
for baritone or bass and piano
Was? - (2008) 
for medium voice and piano
MÜHSAM, Erich Kurt (1878-1934)
16 settings
Bauchweh - (2010)
for medium voice and piano
Der Faulpelz - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
Der kleine Kunstreiter - (2009) 
for high voice and piano
Dichter und Kämpfer - (2010) 
for low or medium high voice and piano
Die Ahnung - (2010) 
for medium voice and piano
Gesang der Intellektuellen - (2010) 
for medium high voice and piano
Gesang der jungen Anarchisten - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
Ich möchte Gott sein - (2009) 
for high voice and piano
Ich will alleine über die Berge gehn - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
Jeden Abend werfe ich - (2009) 
for medium or high voice and piano
Kind und Pfau - (2009) 
for soprano and piano
Kracht der Topf in Scherben - (2012) 
for baritone and piano
Lebensregel - (2010) 
for medium voice and piano
O hehre Sangeskunst - (2009) 
for soprano and piano
Rendezvous - (2009) 
for baritone and piano
Was ist der Mensch? - (2009) 
for medium voice and piano
MÜLLER, Wilhelm (1794-1827)
Die Arche Noäh - (2012) 
for bass or baritone and piano
Schlechte Zeiten, guter Wein - (2012) 
for baritone or tenor and piano