Die drei Spatzen - (2013) 
Christian Morgenstern
for mezzo soprano and piano
In einem leeren Haselstrauch,
da sitzen drei Spatzen, Bauch an Bauch.
Der Erich rechts und links der Franz
und mittendrin der freche Hans.
Sie haben die Augen zu, ganz zu,
und obendrüber, da schneit es, hu!
Sie rücken zusammen dicht an dicht,
so warm wie Hans hat's niemand nicht.
Sie hör'n alle drei ihrer Herzlein Gepoch.
Und wenn sie nicht weg sind, so sitzen sie noch.
3 pages, circa 2' 00"

Christian Morgenstern
Three sparrows
In a leaf-bare hazel wood tree
There perch three sparrows, abdominally.
Erich on the right and on the left Franz,
While in the middle sits sassy-mouth Hans.
With eyes rightly shuttered quite so tight,
Ah! - over all snow falls with its cold bright white.
They huddle closely closer, so tightly are they hunched.
Yet the warmest is Hans, between the others scrunched.
So near, they hear each other's heartbeat beat;
And if not flown away, they're deep in winter's sleet.
rhymed paraphrase by the composer
Copyright © 2013 Gary Bachlund

A simple of simple four-note "added sixth" chords began the sketch for this setting, as long phrases for each moment and mood employ a single chord in varying inversions and through various gestures. Thus one chord suffices unto a change of mood ushers in the next, and so on. For other settings of Morgenstern's texts, click here.

The score for Die drei Spatzen is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.

Die drei Spatzen