Lebensregel - (2010) 
Erich Kurt Mühsam
for medium voice and piano
An allen Früchten unbedenklich lecken;
vor Gott und Teufel nie die Waffen strecken;
Künftiges mißachten, Früheres nicht bereuen;
den Augenblick nicht deuten und nicht scheuen;
dem Leben zuschaun; andrer Glück nicht neiden;
stets Spielkind sein, neugierig noch im Leiden;
am eigenen Schicksal unbeteiligt sein -
das heißt genießen und geheiligt sein.
[ 2 pages, circa 2' 10" ]

Erich Kurt Mühsam
Enjoy all the harmless fruits of life;
Never take up weapons against God or the Devil;
Disdain coming things, regret not what came before;
Don't bother interpreting the moment nor shrink from it;
Keep an eye on life; envy not another's fortune;
Remain playful, curious even in sorrow;
On one's own fate be detached --
Which means to enjoy it and be blessed.

From his collection, Wüste - Krater - Wolken, comes this set of life principles. They might be recognized earlier versions of such modern advice as "don't sweat the small stuff," and "don't over-analyze," yet there are the age-old admonitions as well, such as "thou shalt not covet." Looking at other poets' similar statements, one sees an age-old commonsense which defies the ages passing by.
The setting is marked with the instruction, "like a sermon." This simple set of statements is accompanied by dense, diatonic chords and an arch which grows a little longer with each repetition of said arch.

The score for Lebensregel is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.
