Authors Alphabetically
BACHLUND, Gary (b. 1947)
A Government Song - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
Love Charm - (1994)
One act opera for eight singers and chamber ensemble
A Sunshiny Thought - (1989 / rev. 2009)
for high voice and piano
A Vase of Carnations - (2005 / rev. 2009)
for high voice and piano
Alice - (2001-2004)
Opera in two acts, for soli and orchestra
Adapted from Lewis Carroll by Gary Bachlund & Marilyn Barnett
After the stories of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking-Glass."
Après un petit déjeuner - (2003)
for medium voice and piano
Chump Change - variations on Mulberry Bush - (2009)
for high voice and piano
Crisis - (2009)
for medium or high voice and piano
Hot House Ballads - (1991/2008)
for medium voice and piano
i. Hot and Blue
ii. Heavenly Days
iii. Hot House
iv. No Body Blues
I'm very fond of Cummings' words - (1989/2008)
for medium voice and piano
Johnny B Blue and Suzy Q - (2013)
for medium voice and piano
Little Questions - (1992)
for medium voice and piano
Love Songs for Dorothy (1990 / rev. 2009)
for mezzo soprano and piano
i. Romance Novel
ii. Cigarette Smoke
iii. What About It?
iv. Jumbled
v. A Litany of Symptoms
Love you, too! - (2010)
for medium voice and piano
Merry-go-round - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
Modern Art - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
Musicological Marx - (2010)
for medium voice and piano
Oh it's always someone else's fault - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
Old Age Blues - (2008)
for medium voice and piano
Politics - (2008)
for medium voice and piano
Politics is where the Pig, in Poets on Pigs (2005), an anthology
Psalm 16 - (1998)
Rhymed paraphrase (SATB and organ)
Prelude to a Fable - (1994)
One act opera for two singers and chamber ensemble
Raise those taxes! - (2009)
for medium or high voice and piano
Requiem for the Victims of AIDS - (1991)
i. Lesson - "Remember me"
ii. Introit - "Requiem aeternam"
iii. Sequence - "Of Events"
iv. Vigil - "Room A-460"
v. Offertory - "Litany of Finger Pointing"
vi. Sanctus - "Holy are the Victims"
vii. Libera me - "Fear Not Death"
viii. In paradisum - "The Quilt"
Sarah and Sandy and Sally and Sue - (2007, rev. 2008)
for soprano and piano
Si mundus vult decipi - (2008)
for high voice and piano
Songs for the Victim of AIDS - (1991)
for medium or low voice and piano
i. Clever Death, Stupid Death
ii. It was a cross
iii. Room A-460
iv. Yesterday
v. A Litany of Finger Pointing
vi. The Quilt
Sweet Sung Praises - (1996)
Treble voices divisi
The Bureaucrat's Memo - (2010)
for medium voice and piano
The Double Standard Song - (2009)
for low or medium voice and piano
The Emperor's New Clothes - (1994)
One act opera for eight singers and chamber ensemble.
The Little Match Girl - (1994)
One act opera for soprano solo and chamber ensemble
The One God, Praise - (2001)
(Baritone solo, SATB divisi and organ)
The Quilt - (1991)
for high voice and piano
The Social Democrat's Song - (2008)
for medium voice and piano
Three Abortion Carols - (2007)
for medium voice and piano
i. Away in a Basin
ii. O Little Child Unwanted
iii. Silent child, wholly defiled
Three Songs for Roger - (2009)
for baritone and piano
i. Life
ii. Who Am I?
iii. Love
Weeping Is A Comfort - (1991)
for high voice and piano
Who's gonna pull the welfare wagon? - (2013)
for medium voice and piano
BACHLUND, Gordon (b. 1933)
The Wild Horse Travels (2005)
for tenor and piano
BAUCHE-EPPERS, Eva (b. 1954)
Three Songs of a Woman - (2011)
for mezzo soprano and piano
i. What Will I Be
ii. In Need
iii. Spiral
BAUDELAIRE, Charles (1821-1867)
La Mort - (1990)
for medium voice and piano
i. Prélude
ii. La Mort des Amant
iii. La Mort des Pauvres
iv. La Mort des Artistes
v. La Fin de la Jounée
vi. La Rêve d'un curieux
vii. Pour l'enfant
viii. Les vrais Voyageurs
ix. Interlude
x. Horreur!
xi. Pour le Voyage
BEADLE, Samuel Alfred (1857-1932)
After Church - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
BÉCQUER, Gustavo Adolpho (1836-1870)
Las Canciones de Bécquer - (2001)
for tenor and piano
i. Hoy creo en Dios
ii. Un beso
iii. Olas gigantes
iv. ¡Qué hermoso!
v. La luz divina
BELLOC, Hilaire (1870-1953)
From Cautionary Tales for Children - (2005)
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
i. Henry King
ii. Matilda (who told such dreadful lies)
iii. George (The boy who played with dangerous toys)
Lines for a Christmas Card - (2010)
for medium voice and piano
On the Death of a Politician - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
BERNSTEIN, Elsa (1866-1949)
Rosenringel - (2011) in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene
for medium voice and piano
BERNSTEIN, Max (1854-1925)
Frühlingsnacht - (2011)
for baritone and piano
Az amar Shlomo - (1988)
I Kings 8:10-13, 21 - for medium voice and piano
Blessed Are You - (1998) (Beatitudes)
(Mezzo soprano solo, SATB divisi choir a cappella)
David's Song - (1968)
Psalm 9:1-3 (SATB divisi a cappella)
Der gute Hirte - (2002) Psalm 23 in German translation by Martin Luther
for soprano, mezzo soprano or baritone and organ
From the Song of Songs - (1998) Bible Texts edited by Julie Dalton Williamson
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
i. I am black, but comely
ii. My Love
iii. I am sick with love
iv. Return!
v. A Seal Upon Your Heart
If ye love Me, keep My commandments - (1971)
John 14:15-17 (SATB a cappella)
In the Shelter of the Most High
Psalm 91:1 & 11
also in A Book of Anthems
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis - (1999)
English language texts as used at All Saints Church (SATB and organ)
Seek Him - (1999)
Amos 5:8 (SATB and organ)
The Lord Is My Shepherd - (2008)
for baritone and harp (or piano)
Three Psalms - (2005) from The Scottish Psalter of 1635
for medium or low voice and organ
i. A Tree by the River Side - from Psalm 1 after Thomas Sternhold
ii. Like as the Hart - from Psalm 42 after John Hopkins
iii. Give Laud Unto the Lord - from Psalm 148 after John Pullain
Twelve Psalm Verses - (1995)
(SATB divisi a cappella)
Va'ani Zot - (1974)
for high voice and piano
Vayomer shalcheni - (1978)
for tenor and piano
Venite - (2003)
Psalm 95:1-7 (English language text) (SATB, piano and organ)
Yevarechecha - (2010)
Number 6:24-26 - for medium voice and guitar
BIERCE, Ambrose (1842-1914)
A Prayer for Today - (1991)
for medium voice and piano
A Rational Anthem - (1998)
for medium voice
Consolation - (1996)
for medium voice and piano
Egotist - (2011)
for medium or high voice and piano
Election Day- (2009)
for medium voice and piano
Freedom - (2008)
for medium voice and piano
Opera, n. - (2008)
for high voice and piano
Politics - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
BLAKE, William (1757-1827)
The Divine Image - (2006)
for medium voice and piano
The Fly - (2015)
for medium voice and piano
Three Blake Settings - (1990)
for medium high voice and piano
i. The Sick Rose
ii. The Lilly
iii. Ah! Sun-flower
BORMANN, Edwin (1851-1912)
Der alte Marabu, in Das tierische Lied von der Erde (2001)
for bass and piano
BÖTTICHER, Hans (1883-1934)
see RINGELNATZ, Joachim
BOURDILLON, Francis William (1852 - 1921)
The Debt Unpayable - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
BOURLAND, Roger (b. 1952)
Spiritual Love Song - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
BRECHT, Bertholt (1898-1956)
Hollywood - (1989)
for medium voice and piano
BRENTANO, Clemens (1778-1842)
Lore Lay - (1995)
for mezzo soprano and piano / mezzo soprano and orchestra
O lieber Gott - (2008)
for medium voice and piano
Wiegenlied - (2003)
for medium voice and piano
BRONTË, Emily (1818-1848)
Fall, Leaves, Fall - (2015)
for medium voice and piano
'Tis moonlight - (2015)
for medium voice and piano
BROOKE, Rupert (1887-1915)
The Dead, in Songs of War (2004)
for baritone and piano
BUCHANAN, Mary (n.d.)
Piggy Patter, Piggy Platter, in Poets on Pigs (2005)
for mezzo soprano and piano
BURGESS, Gelett (1866–1951)
The Purple Cow - in Seven Silly Little Songs (2009)
for medium voice and piano
The Purple Cow Again - in Seven Silly Little Songs (2009)
for medium voice and piano
BURSTEIN, Mark (n. d.)
I Will Love You Anywhere - (1999) after Dr. Seuss
for medium voice and piano
BUSCH, Wilhelm (1832-1908)
65 song settings
Als ich ein kleiner Bube war - (2011) in Zwölf Kinder-lieder für Erwachsene
for medium voice and piano
Auf Wiedersehen - (2016 )
for baritone and piano
Beschränkt - (2012)
for medium voice
Bewaffneter Friede - (2012)
for medium voice and piano
Bis auf weiters - (2013)
for bass or baritone and piano
Busch-lieder - (2010)
eleven songs for baritone and piano
i. Lüge und Wahrheit
ii. Ein galantes Abenteuer
iii. Die Rose sprach zum Mägdelein
iv. Romanze
v. Innerer Wert
vi. Gute Nacht
vii. Brüderlein
viii. Metapheren der Liebe
ix. Die Zeit
x. Sklaverei
xi. Immer wieder
Das Häschen- (2007)
for high or low voice and piano (two editions)
Das Lied von der roten Nase - (2013)
for baritone and piano
Denkst du- (2012)
for baritone or tenor and piano (two editions)
Der alte Förster Püsterich - (2013)
for baritone and piano
Der alte Narr - (2012)
for medium voice and piano
Der innere Architekt - (2013)
for medium voice and piano
Die Selbstkritik hat viel für sich - (2012)
for bass or baritone and piano
Das traurige Röslein - (2013)
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Drei alte Tanten - (2013)
for mezzo soprano and piano
Drum - (2013)
for medium voice and piano
Eginhard und Emma - (2013)
for medium voice and piano
Ein Esel-lied - (2010)
for medium voice and piano
Eine ungenehme Überraschung - (2012)
for medium voice and piano
Er stellt sich vor sein Spiegelglas - (2012)
for medium voice and piano
Es hatt' ein Müller eine Mühl' - (2015)
for baritone and piano
Es saß in meiner Knabenzeit - (2018)
for baritone and piano
Es wohnen die hohen Gedanken - (2013)
for medium or low voice voice and piano
Fortuna lächelt... - (2012)
for medium voice and piano
Geschmacksache - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
Ich sah dich gern im Sonnenschein - (2010)
for medium voice and piano
Individualität - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
Jaja! Das kommt von das! - (2012)
for medium voice and piano
Lache nicht - (2015)
for bass baritone and piano
Laß doch das ew'ge Fragen - (2016)
for baritone and piano
Mein kleinster Fehler - (2007)
for medium high voice and piano
O du, die mir die Liebste war - (2015)
for baritone and piano
Onkel Kaspers rote Nase - (2011)
for baritone or bass and piano
Pst - (2013)
for medium voice and piano
Schein und Sein - (2008)
for medium high voice and piano
Seelenwanderung - (2018)
for baritone and piano
Seid mir nur nicht gar zu traurig - (2012)
for medium voice and piano
Sie war ein Blümlein hübsch und fein - (2009)
for medium voice and piano
So nicht - (2012)
for medium voice and piano
So wars - (2012)
for soprano and piano
Summa Summarum - (2009)
for baritone and piano
Teufelswurst - (2013)
for baritone and piano
Wankelmut - (2011)
for bass or baritone and piano
Wärst du ein Bächlein - (2008)
for tenor and piano
Was gibt es doch für Narren! - (2103)
for baritone and piano
Wenn mir mal ein Malheur passiert - (2015)
for soprano and piano
Wir Kinder der Vergangenheit - (2013)
for medium voice and piano
Woher, wohin? - (2012)
for baritone and piano
Vetter Franz auf dem Esel - (2011)
for tenor and piano
Vogel-lieder - (2010)
for tenor and piano
i. Fink und Frosch
ii. Der weise Schuhu
iii. Der hinterlistige Heinrich
Zauberschwestern - (2009)
for medium high voice and piano
Zu Neujahr - (2011)
for medium voice and piano
BUSH, George Herbert Walker (b. 1924)
No Exaggeration, in Seven Presidential Pardons (2007)
BUSH, George Walker (b. 1946)
The Strategery, in Seven Presidential Pardons (2007)
BUTLER, Ellis Parker (1869-1937)
Pigs is Pigs - (2009)
for medium voice and piano