Zu Neujahr - (2011) 
Wilhelm Busch
for medium voice and piano
Will das Glück nach seinem Sinn
Dir was Gutes schenken,
Sage Dank und nimm es hin
Ohne viel Bedenken.
Jede Gabe sei begrüßt,
Doch vor allen Dingen:
Das, worum du dich bemühst,
Möge dir gelingen.
1 page, circa 1' 00"

Wilhelm Busch
If happiness as you wish
Were something good for you,
Then give some thanks
And take it without hesitation.
Every wish is welcomed
But one above the rest:
That whatever you try
Will bring you success.

This sweet thought for the turning of the year is given us by a world-class curmudgeon, in his own way. Yet in coming across it and while preparing the table for a festive evening, its setting came quickly. The simple two verse form repeats the last line for gentle emphasis, and the short setting is over within a minute's time.

The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.

Zu Neujahr