Beschränkt - (2012) 
Wilhelm Busch
for medium voice and piano
Halt dein Rößlein nur im Zügel,
Kommst ja doch nicht allzuweit.
Hinter jedem neuen Hügel
Dehnt sich die Unendlichkeit.
Nenne niemand dumm und säumig,
Der das Nächste recht bedenkt.
Ach, die Welt ist so geräumig,
Und der Kopf ist so beschränkt!
1 page, circa 1' 10"

Wilhelm Busch
Rein your pony when you are vexed;
Behave with confraternity.
Just around the corner next
Stretches out your eternity.
Name no man dumb nor lazy,
That he become disquieted.
Ah, this world is wondrous, crazy,
While our thoughts are oh so limited.
rhymed paraphrase by the composer

The old story of the gossip going to the rabbi to confess her sin came to mind. The rabbi said to open a feather pillow on a windy day, and then try to recapture each and every feather, for that would be easier than reclaiming one's words. Busch tells us something quite the same, for if we were to rein in our thoughts -- that metaphoric Rößlein -- we would often be better off. So many examples of why this is so, my own errors included. The light music hall style is of a simple two strophes, quickly ended with the single point made without ado.

The score for Beschränkt is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.
