Wenn mir mal ein Malheur passiert - (2015) 
Wilhelm Busch
soprano and piano
Wenn mir mal ein Malheur passiert,
Ich weiß, so bist du sehr gerührt.
Du denkst, es wäre doch fatal,
Passierte dir das auch einmal.
Doch weil das böse Schmerzensding
Zum Glück an dir vorüberging,
So ist die Sache anderseits
Für dich nicht ohne allen Reiz.
Du merkst, daß die Bedaurerei
So eine Art von Wonne sei.
2 pages, circa 1' 30"

When misfortune smiles on me,
I know, you are too touched.
You're glad, when it is grievous,
Its grip has you not clutched.
And so the dreaded pain and grief
Has happily passed you by,
Such that misfortune, as is mine,
Is not among your stimuli.
You note, this sort of piteousness
Sings a duly dulling lullaby.
rhymed paraphrase by the composer

The setting is a waltz parody of sorts, the falling major thirds in the right hand double dotted and self-important as the short text is treated as if of two strophes. The text is found in the collection, Kritik des Herzens, 1874. For other settings of many of Busch's texts, click here.

The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.

Wenn mir mal ein Malheur passiert