Laß doch das ew'ge Fragen - (2016) 
Wilhelm Busch
for baritone and piano
Laß doch das ew'ge Fragen,
Verehrter alter Freund.
Ich will von selbst schon sagen,
Was mir vonnöten scheint.
Du sagst vielleicht dagegen:
Man fragt doch wohl einmal.
Gewiß! Nur allerwegen
Ist mir's nicht ganz egal.
Bei deinem Fragestellen
Hat eines mich frappiert:
Du fragst so gern nach Fällen,
Wobei ich mich blamiert.
3 pages, circa 1' 30"

Front cover illustration of an early edition of Kritik des Herzens
Leave off the questions,
Dear old chum.
I myself will comment
With my own opprobrium.
You may speak against this:
One questions anyway.
Certainly! Only know yet,
I care little what you say.
In your probing questions
A chill comes overall
As you ask of the many times
I've made my each shortfall.
Leave off!
rhymed paraphrase by the composer
Copyright © Gary Bachlund 2016

A simple harmonic pendulum swings between two four-note chords, as the text is declaimed.

Scansion for the second stanza alters the rhythm of the voice part, with a return to the first in the third stanza. A coda makes the restatement of the imperative, ending in the minor tonic.

The score for Laß doch das ew'ge Fragen is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.

Laß doch das ew'ge Fragen