Es ist gut - (2019) Johann Wolfgang Goethe 
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Martiniade - (2019) Joachim Ringelnatz
for soprano (or tenor) and piano
Rechtfertigung -(2018) Hugo von Hofmannsthal
for soprano and piano
Sonett der Seele - (2018) Hugo von Hofmannsthal
for soprano and piano
Sonett der Welt - (2018) Hugo von Hofmannsthal
for soprano and piano
The Willow-Tree - (2017) Charles Dodgson
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Facts - (2017) Charles Dodgson
for soprano and piano
Maimorgen - (2016) Christian Morgenstern
for soprano and harp
Das Gebet - (2016) Christian Morgenstern
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Love and Poetry - (2016) Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle
for soprano and piano
Quarrel - (2016) Elinor Wylie
for soprano and piano
A Cradle Song - (2016) William Butler Yeats
for soprano or mezzo-soprano and piano
Purple - (2016) Margaret Steele Anderson
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Vier Nonsens-lieder - (2016) Gustav Falke, Rudelsburg, Volksthümliches aus dem Königreich Sachsen, and from Machet auf das Tor
for soprano and piano
i. Kuh
ii. An der Saale hellem Strande
iii. Dunkel war's
iv. Oh!
Heimlich zur Nacht - Else Lasker-Schüler
for soprano and piano
Cousin Kate - (2016) Christina Rossetti
for soprano and piano
Viens ! - une flûte invisible - (2015) Victor Hugo
for soprano and piano
Träume - (2015) Stefan Zweig
for soprano and piano
Old Man - (2015) Jean Starr Untermeyer
for soprano and piano
Humoresque - (2015) Alice Corbin
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Die Unterhose - (2015) Christian Morgenstern
for soprano and piano
Autumn Movement - (2015) Carl Sandburg
for soprano and piano
Wenn mir mal ein Malheur passiert - (2015) Wilhelm Busch
for soprano and piano
Abendgefühl - (2015) Friedrich Hebbel
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Lenz - (2015) Bertram Kottmann, after William Blake
for soprano and piano
Velvet Shoes - (2015) Elinor Wylie
for soprano and piano
Punctuality - (2014) Lewis Carroll
for soprano and piano
Das traurige Röslein - (2013) Wilhelm Busch
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Slow, slow, fresh fount - (2013) Ben Jonson
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
The Year - (2013) Carl Sandburg
for soprano and piano
Frau Holle in ihrem himmlischen Haus - (2013) Christian Morgenstern
for soprano and piano
Am Weihnachtsabend - (2012) Joachim Ringelnatz
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Schönheit - (2012) Bertram Kottmann after Elinor Wylie's Beauty
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Beauty - (2012) Elinor Wylie
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
So wars - (2012) Wilhelm Busch
for soprano and piano
Advent - (2011) Rainer Maria Rilke
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Steht nicht an meinem Grab - (2011) Bertram Kottmann
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Love Song - (2011) Harriet Monroe
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Zebaoth - (2010) Else Lasker-Schüler
for soprano and piano
When Cap'n Tom comes home - (2010) Katherine Lee Bates
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Zehn Morgenstern-lieder - (2010) Christian Morgenstern
for soprano and piano
i. Das Lied vom blonden Korken
ii. Das Wasser
iii. Der Mitternachtsmaus
iv. Kronprätendenten
v. Tapetenblume
vi. Himmel und Erde
vii. Die beiden Flaschen
viii. Unter Zeiten
ix. Die beiden Esel
x. Der Traum der Magd
Sieben Goethe-liederchen - (2009) Johann Wolfgang Goethe
for soprano and piano
i. Ich, Egoist!
ii. Gleich und Gleich
iii. Der Saldo
iv. Der Rausch
v. Nein
vi. Im neuen Jahr
vii. Der Abschied
Love Songs for Dorothy - (2009)
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
i. Romance Novel
ii Cigarette Smoke
iii. What about it?
iv. Jumbled
v. A Litany of Symptoms
Sea Poppies - (2009) Hilda Doolittle (H. D.)
for soprano and piano
Kind und Pfau - (2009) Erich Kurt Mühsam
for soprano and piano
O hehre Sangeskunst - (2009) Erich Kurt Mühsam
for soprano and piano
Schmetterlingslieder - (2009) Karl Henckell
for soprano and piano
i. Goldne Sterne, blaue Glöckchen
ii. Schwebe, du Schmetterling
I am the Wind - (2009) Zoë Akins
for soprano and piano
Over silent waters - (2009) E. E. Cummings
for soprano and piano
Decoration - (2008) S. Foster Damon
for soprano and piano
Sarah and Sandy and Sally and Sue - (2007, rev. 2008) Gary Bachlund
for soprano and piano
Tres Canciones de Ana María Fagundo - (2008)
for soprano or tenor and piano
i. Malvas en la pradera
ii. A la poesía
iii. Rosas en diciembre
Three Cummings Songs - (2007) E. E. Cummings
for soprano and piano
Wie nah? - (2006) Rachel Harnisch
for soprano and piano
Music - (2006) Walter de la Mare
high voice and piano
Fantaisies Décoratives - (2006) Oscar Wilde
for soprano and piano
i. Le Panneau
ii. Les Ballons
Trois Chansons de Gide - (2006) André Gide
for soprano, tenor or baritone voice and piano
i. Si le jour est passé
ii. À mes côtés, il est venu s'asseoir
iii. Lumière! ma lumière!
Vier Lieder von Else Lasker-Schüler (2005)
for soprano and piano
i. Nun schlummert meine Seele --
ii. Ich träume so leise von Dir
iii. Weltende
iv. Versöhnung
October - (2005) Robert Frost
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Two Simple Songs - (2005) Virginia Bachlund
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
i. Renaissance
ii. A Seeking Heart
Four Seasons - (2005) Anton Gill
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
i. Summer
ii. Autumn
iii. Winter
iv. Spring
this is the garden - (2005) E. E. Cummings
for soprano and piano
God's Bottles - (2005) Leaflet Issued by the National Women's Christian Temperance Union (n. d.)
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
From Cautionary Tales for Children - (2005) Hilaire Belloc
for mezzo soprano or soprano and piano
i. Henry King
ii. Matilda (who told such dreadful lies)
iii. George (The boy who played with dangerous toys)
In My Grave - (2005) Frances Ginzer
for soprano and piano
little man (2004) E. E. Cummings
for soprano and piano
Drei Lieder von Hugo von Hofmannsthal - (2003)
for soprano and piano
i. Regen in der Dämmerung
ii. Wolken
iii. Sturmnacht
To the States - (2003) Walt Whitman
from "Inscriptions" in "Leaves of Grass"
for soprano or tenor and piano
At tea - (2003) Thomas Hardy
soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
Chanson des escargot qui vont à l'enterrement - (2003) Jacques Prévert
for soprano and piano
"Calico Pie" and Other Nonsense - (2002) Edward Lear
for soprano and piano
i. Calico Pie
ii. An Old Man with a Beard
iii. The Duck and the Kangaroo
iv. Eyes
v. The Daddy Long-Legs and the Fly
vi. The Birds Sat Upon It
vii. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat
viii. An Old Lady
ix. The Jumblies
Der gute Hirte - (2002) Psalm 23 in translation by Martin Luther
for soprano, mezzo soprano or baritone and organ
Der grosse und der kleine Hund - (2001) Matthias Claudius
for soprano and piano
Four Songs of Gerard Manley Hopkins - (1999)
for soprano and piano
i. Pied Beauty
ii. God's Grandeur
iii. Spring
iv. To Call Thee Love
From the Song of Songs - (1998) Bible Texts edited by Julie Dalton Williamson
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
i. I am black, but comely
ii. My Love
iii. I am sick with love
iv. Return!
v. A Seal Upon Your Heart
Drei einfache Lieder von Theodor Storm - (1996)
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano / soprano or mezzo soprano and strings and harp
i. Bittersüß (Præludium)
ii. Noch einmal
iii. Zwischen mir und dir
iv. Tag
Lausn - (1995) Pétúrsson
for high soprano and piano (or organ)
i. Sungið, sagt og ted
ii. Þurfamaður
iii. Daglega
iv. Lofa pinn guð
Kein Elend - (1995) Wolfgang Johann Goethe
for soprano and piano
o by the by - (1991) E. E. Cummings
for soprano and piano
wanta spend six dollars kid - (1985) E. E. Cummings
for high soprano and piano
chansons innocentes (1923) - (1984) E. E. Cummings
for soprano or mezzo soprano and piano
i. in Just --
ii. hist whist
iii. Tumbling-hair
Daybreak from "Cannery Row" - (1983) John Steinbeck
for soprano and piano