Songs for High Voice
chronologically by year of composition
Authors' Alphabetical Index
Tommy - (2017) Charles Dodgson
for high voice and piano
Der heroische Pudel - (2016) Christian Morgenstern
for high voice and piano
Pflück dieses Blümlein - (2015) after a poem of Rabindranath Tagore
for high voice and piano
Der Poet - (2014) Bertram Kottmann after Li-Tai-Po
for medium or high voice and piano
Ye Carpette Knyghte - (2014) Lewis Carroll
for medium or high voice and piano
Die Lampe - (2013) Christian Morgenstern
for high voice and piano
Kindergebetchen - (2013) Joachim Ringelnatz
for medium or high voice and piano
Das Bild - (2013) Christian Morgenstern
for high voice and piano
Memento - (2013) Igino Ugo Tarchetti
for high voice and piano
Der Misanthrop - (2012) Johann Wolfgang Goethe
for high voice and piano
To Music - (2012) Robert Herrick
for medium or high voice and piano
Der schönste Anblick - (2012) Justinus Kerner
for medium or high voice and piano
Creed and not a Creed - (2011) Paul Laurence Dunbar
for medium or high voice and piano
Old Manuscript - (2011) Alfred Kreymborg
for medium or high voice and piano
Egotist - (2011) Ambrose Bierce
for medium or high voice and piano
I Saw a Peacock - (2010) Anonymous, before 1665
for high voice and piano
Be Strong - (2010) Judah ben Teima
for high voice and piano
Du bist die Ruh - (2010) Friedrich Rückert
for high or medium voice
Friede - (2010) Albert Ehrenstein
for high voice and piano
Summer Stars - (2010) Carl Sandburg
for medium or high voice and piano
Justice - (2010) Paul Laurence Dunbar
for medium or high voice and piano
Bumpity Ride - (2010) Walter de la Mare
for medium or high voice
Art - (2010) Ezra Pound
for medium or high voice and piano
Almendros en flor - (2010) Ana María Fagundo
for medium or high voice and piano
Father, Where Do the Wild Swans Go? - (2010) Charles Wharton Stork (after the Danish of Ludwig Holstein)
for high voice and piano
Der Kehlkopf - (2010) Eduard Möricke
for medium or high voice and piano
Mausfallen-Sprüchlein - (2009) Eduard Möricke
for medium or high voice and piano
Crisis - (2009) Gary Bachlund
for medium or high voice and piano
To America - (2009) James Weldon Johnson
for medium or high voice and piano
Klabautermann - (2009) Christian Morgenstern
for high voice and piano
Green - (2009) D. H. Lawrence
for high voice and piano
Chump Change - variations on Mulberry Bush - (2009) Gary Bachlund
for high voice and piano
When the rose is faded - (2009) Walter de la Mare
for high voice and piano
Ich möchte Gott sein - (2009) Erich Kurt Mühsam
for high voice and piano
Dead Cleopatra - (2009) Conrad Aiken
for medium or high voice and piano
Ein Herbstlied - (2009) Francisca Stoecklin
for medium or high voice and piano
Das quiekende Ei - (2009) Paul Scheerbart
for high voice and piano
Für ewig - (2009) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
for high voice and piano
Der kleine Kunstreiter - (2009) Erich Kurt Mühsam
for medium or high voice and piano
Was ist der Mensch? - (2009) Erich Kurt Mühsam
for medium or high voice and piano
If Love Be All - (2009) Bliss Carman
for medium or high voice and piano
Revolutionary Tea - (2009) arr. of traditional text and melody
for medium or high voice and piano
Seliger Tod - (2009) Ludwig Uhland
for medium or high voice and piano
Prähistorische Ballade - (2009)
for high voice and piano
Raise those taxes! - (2009) Gary Bachlund
for medium or high voice and piano
Portrait of a Barmaid - (2009) Edith Sitwell
for medium or high voice and piano
I Like Pigs - (2009) Winston Churchill
for high voice and piano
The King-fisher Song - (2009) Lewis Carroll
for high voice and piano
Sometimes I Wonder - (2009) Mark Twain
for high or medium voice and piano
Blindekuh - (2009) August Kopisch
for high voice and piano
Verborgenheit - (2009) Eduard Mörike
for high or low voice and piano
Was ist ein Original? - (2009 Paul Scheerbart
for high voice and piano
Joy - (2009) Carl Sandburg
for high voice and piano
What's the Use - (2009) Paul Laurence Dunbar
for high voice and piano
Gesang der Ungeborenen - (2009) Hugo von Hofmannsthal
for high voice and piano
Halbe Arbeit - (2009) Theodor Strom
for high voice and piano
Der Esel - (2008) Matthias Claudius
for medium or high voice and piano
Wasser und Wein - (2008) August Kopisch
for medium or high voice and piano
And What Shall You Say? - (2008) Joseph S. Cotter, Jr.
for medium or high voice and piano
Nein! - (2008) Christian Morgenstern
for medium or high voice and piano
Opera, n. - (2008) Ambrose Bierce
for high voice and piano
The Idol-Maker Prays - (2008) Arthur Guiterman
for high voice and piano
Nothing to Do - (2008) James Ephriam McGirt
for high voice and piano
Si mundus vult decipi - (2008) Gary Bachlund
for high voice and piano
Theology - (2008) Paul Lawrence Dunbar
for medium or high voice and piano
Calling the Doctor - (2008) John Wesley Holloway
for medium or high voice and piano
An old Fellow of Trinity - (2008) Arthur Clement Hilton
for high voice and piano
The Big Bell in Zion - (2008) Theodore Henry Shackelford
for high voice and piano
How pleasant to know Mr. Lear - (2008) Edward Lear
for medium or high voice and piano
It's Great When You Get In - (2008) Eugene O'Neill
for medium or high voice and piano
Two Poems of Louis Untermeyer - (2008) Louis Untermeyer
for high voice and piano
i. With a Volume of Heine
ii. Matinée
when life is quite through - (2008) E. E. Cummings
for high voice and piano
maggie and millie and molly and may - (2007) E. E. Cummings
for high voice and piano
Music - (2006) Walter de la Mare
high voice and piano
The Circus Band and Other Delights - (2006) Charles Ives
for high voice and piano
i. The Circus Band
ii. The See'r
iii. The Cage
iv. The Side Show
v. Waltz
vi. 1, 2, 3
Oui, je le sais bien - (2006) André Gide
for high voice and piano
Echoes from the Cabin - (2006) James Edwin Campbell 
for high or medium high voice and piano
i. Uncle Eph's Banjo Song
ii. Ol' Doc' Hyar
iii. When ol' Sis' Judy pray
iv. Negro Serenade
v. De Cunjah Man
A Vase of Carnations - (2005 / rev. 2009)
for high voice and piano
Verona - (2004) Rudolf Hagelstange
for high voice and piano
Zwei Ritter - (2004) Heinrich Heine
for high voice and piano
Five Sonnets - (2002) William Shakespeare
for high or medium voice and piano
i. Sonnet VIII - “Music to hear, why hear’st thou music sadly?”
ii. Sonnet XVIII - “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”
iii. Sonnet XIX - "Devouring Time"
iv. Sonnet XXX - “When to the sessions of sweet silent thought”
v. Sonnet LXVI - “Tir’d with all these, for restful death I cry”
Le Faune - (2001) Paul Verlaine
for high voice and piano
Alte Libe - (1999) Yiddish Folk Sayings
for high or medium high voice and piano / high voice and harp & strings
i. Mit sholem-bayes
ii. Di beste t'file
iii. A kunst
iv. A sheyne velt
v. Vos men vert alt
vi. Alte libe
vii. Der balebos
viii. Die velt iz a redl
The Pilgrim Soul - (1999) William Butler Yeats
for high voice and piano
Sole e amore - (1993) Giacomo Puccini
for high voice and piano
Kleengedichtjes - (1991) Guido Gezelle
for high or medium voice and piano
i. Vlaamsche poësis
ii. Als de ziel luistert
iii. Janneke
iv. De winden
v. Naar Hem
vi. Snee
vii. In de blijde mei!
"Alice" Songs - (1991) Lewis Carroll
for high voice and piano
i. Childhood Dreams
ii The Little Crocodile
iii. Pig and Pepper
iv. The Mock Turtle's Lament
v. Jabberwocky
vi. Tweedledum and Tweedledee
vii. Humpty Dumpty
viii. The Lion and the Unicorn
ix. Queen Alice
iii. Ei Socharim (
Chamber Music - (1991) James Joyce
for high voice and piano
i. Make Music Sweet
ii. Twilight
iii. Goldenhair
iv. Where Love Did Sometime Go
v. Pain
vi. Companion
vii. Gentle Lady
viii. Rain Has Fallen
xi. I Hear an Army
Weeping Is A Comfort - (1991) Gary Bachlund
for high voice and piano
The Quilt - (1991) Gary Bachlund
for high voice and piano
the secrets of living - (1991) E. E. Cummings
for high voice and piano
Because I could not stop for death - (1990) Emily Dickinson
for high voice and piano
Goethe-lieder - (1989) Johann Wolfgang Goethe
for medium or high voice and piano
i. Das Alte
ii. Ja, schelte nur
iii. Das Beste
iv. Annonce
v. Lebenslust
vi. Was bleibt denn
vii. Hab ich nur geschrieben
A Hymn to God the Father - (1987) John Donne
for high voice and piano
why did you go - (1984) E. E. Cummings
for high or medium voice and piano
little tree - (1984) E. E. Cummings
for high or medium voice and piano
it may not always be so; and i say - (1983) E. E. Cummings
for high voice and piano
This Perfect World - (1983) David Fries
for high voice and piano
i. Memories
ii. Friends
iii. The Dance