Blindekuh - (2009) 
August Kopsich
for high voice and piano
Im Finstern geh’ ich suchen,
Mein Kind, wo steckst du wohl?
Ach, sie versteckt sich immer,
Daß ich verschmachten soll!
Im Finstern geh’ ich suchen,
Mein Kind, wo steckst du wohl?
Ich, der den Ort nicht finde,
Ich irr’ im Kreis umher!
Wer um dich stirbt,
Der hat keine Ruh’!
Kindchen erbarm dich,
Und komm herzu!
Ja, komm herzu,
Herzu, herzu!
[ 2 pages, circa 1' 05" ]

August Kopisch
Blind man's bluff
In darkness I go searching,
My child, where have you hidden yourself?
Oh, she always hides,
And I shall pine away!
In darkness I go searching,
My child, where have you hidden yourself?
I, who never find the hiding-place,
I wander around in a circle!
He who dies for you,
He will have no peace.
Child, have pity
And come here!
Yes, come here,
Here, here!
Translation from German to English copyright © by Emily Ezust,
who created and maintains the The Lied and Art Song Texts Page, a marvelous resource.

In such a game played between parent and child, the largest portion of the game is often played with some sense of false concern and over-exaggeration. But in the end, when a child truly cannot be found, this becomes no longer a game. For this I chose to set the text lightheartedly, with the many scalar passages playfully representing the scurrying child rushing from hiding place to hiding place to avoid being caught. Only the last line of each short stanza elongates slightly the rhythms.

The last stanza repeats the charge, "come here," until the final leap downward of the tenth, emphasizing finally and only at the end of the game a growing impatience. It might be as if a parent finally stamped a foot.

The score for Blindekuh is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.
