Im Garten - (2018) 
Theodor Fontane
for baritone and piano
Die hohen Himbeerwände
trennen dich und mich,
doch im Laubwerk unsre Hände
fanden von selber sich.
Die Hecke konnt' es nicht wehren,
wie hoch sie immer stund;
ich reiche dir die Beeren,
und du reichest mir deinen Mund
Ach, schrittest du durch den Garten
noch einmal im raschen Gang,
wie gerne wollt' ich warten,
warten stundenlang.
2 page, circa 2' 30"

High raspberry vines
Separate you from me,
but in the foliage our hands
Find each other.
The hedge would not divide us
Though high it always stood:
For you I reached for berries,
And you reached with your mouth.
Oh, you walk through the garden
Once again with fast tread,
How gladly do I want to wait,
Waiting for hours.

The harmonic "vines" of E major with -- and not against -- E flat major entwine, informing the remainder of the setting, with a fulcrum at the subdominant. For other settings of Fontane's texts, click here.

The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this art song score.

Im Garten