Anthologies and Cycles

Music and Texts of  GARY BACHLUND

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Anthologies and Cycles

Kinderlieder - (2009)     Ernst Anschütz, Hoffmann von Fallersleben and folk texts

  for medium voice and piano

      i.      Alle meine Entchen

      ii.     Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen

      iii.    Was haben wir Gänse für Kleider an?

      iv.    Es war eine Mutter

      v.     Ein Hund kam in die Küche

      vi.    Nachtgebet

      vii.   Ein Schneider fing 'ne Maus


Ringelnatz in dreiviertel Takt - (2009)      Joachim Ringelnatz

  for medium voice and piano

      i.      Ein Kehlkopf

      ii.     Beim Mittagessen!

      iii.    Ein Nagel saß in einem Stück Holz

      iv.    Ein Stahlknopf

      v.     Die Nacht starb

      vi.    An einem Teiche

      vii.   Der Spiegel, der Kamm und der Schwamm

      viii.  Weißt du's?

       ix.    Schon gut!

       x.     Ein Lied

       xi.    Liebens Malzbonbon

       xii.   Ein Nadelkissen

       xiii.  Ein Schwefelholz

       xiv.  Miliz


Seven Silly Little Songs - (2009)   texts of Henry Alrdich, Gelett Burgess, Oliver Herford and anonymous authors

for medium voice and piano

        i.     Animal Fair
        ii.    Eve, apropos de Rien (Herford)
        iii.   The Purple Cow (Burgess)
        iv.   Reasons for Drinking (Aldrich)
        v.    Judged by the Company One Keeps

        vi.   The Purple Cow Again (Burgess)

        vii.  The Frog


Fünf Fabeln - (2008)   Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

   for medium high voice and piano

        i.     Aesopus und der Esel
        ii.    Eine philosophische Maus
        iii.   Der Fuchs und der Storch
        iv.   Der kriegerische Wolf
        v.    Die Wasserschlange


Kleine Wesen - (2008)    Joachim Ringelnatz

   for medium voice and piano

      i.     Einleitung

      ii.    Die Feder

      iii.   Der Funke

      iv.   Der Edelstein

      v.    Die Seifenblase

      vi.   Das Ei

      vii.  Der Floh

      viii. Die Nadel

      ix.   Das Samenkorn

      x.    Der Wassertropfen

      xi.   Der Knopf

      xii.  Der Stein

      xiii. Der kleine Junge

      xiv. Das kleine Mädchen


A Book of Nonsense - (2008)  Mervyn Peake

   ( noted herein as a Work-in-progress, release date Fall 2008 )

   for high, medium or low voice and piano (three editions)

        i.         The Dwarf of Battersea

        ii.        Little Spider

        iii.       O Little Fly

        iv.       'It Worries Me to Know'

        v.        How Fly the Birds of Heaven

        vi.       Of Pygmies, Palms and Pirates

        vii.      And Old and Crumbling Parapet

        viii.      It Is Most Best

        ix.        O'er Seas That Have No Beaches

        x.         'Come, Break the News to Me, Sweet Horse'

        xi.        An Angry Cactus Does No Good

        xii.        I Cannot Give You Reasons

        xiii.      The Trouble With Geraniums

        xiv.       Crocodiles

        xv.        O Love! O Death! O Ecstasy!

        xvi.       O Here It Is! And There It Is!

        xvii.      I Have My Price

        xviii.     Lean Sideways on the Wind

        xxix.      Tintinnabulum

        xx.        The Hideous Root

        xxi.       The Men in Bowler Hats Are Sweet

        xxii.      Shrink, Shrink

        xxiii.     Aunty Jane (Aunts and Uncles)

        xxiv.     Aunty Grace (Aunts and Uncles)

        xxv.      Uncle Wog (Aunts and Uncles)

        xxvi.     Aunty Flo (Aunts and Uncles)

        xxvii.    Aunty Vi (Aunts and Uncles)

        xxviii.   Uncle Sam (Aunts and Uncles)

        xxix.      Aunty Nag (Aunts and Uncles)

        xxx.       Aunty Mig (Aunts and Uncles)

        xxxi.      Aunty Jill (Aunts and Uncles)

        xxxii.     Uncle Jake (Aunts and Uncles)

        xxxiii.    Crown Me With Hairpins

        xxxiv.    Squat Ursula

        xxxv.     Leave the Stronger

        xxxvi.    The Thread Remains

        xxxvii.   The Adventures of Footfruit


Seven Presidential Pardons - (2007) texts after quotes of American Presidents

for high or medium voice and piano

        i.    I'm Not a Crook (after Richard Milhouse Nixon)

        ii.   American Efficiency (after Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.)

        iii.  To drown my troubles (after James Earl Carter)

        iv.  The Second Oldest Profession (after Ronald Wilson Reagan)

        v.   No Exaggeration (after George Herbert Walker Bush)

        vi.  It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is  (after William Jefferson Clinton)

        vii. The Strategery (after George Walker Bush)


Alte Libe - (1999) Yiddish Folk Sayings    YR1503 

    for high or medium high voice and piano / high voice and harp & strings     

        i.     Mit sholem-bayes    

        ii.    Di beste t'file     

        iii.   A kunst     

        iv.   A sheyne velt     

        v.    Vos men vert alt     

        vi.   Alte libe     

        vii.  Der balebos

        viii.  Die vetl iz a redl


Nursery Rhymes and Children's Prayers - (2005) Mother Goose, A Child's Garden of Verses, R. L. Stevenson and a traditional 18th century prayer
    for mezzo soprano and piano
        i.     Cobbler! Cobbler! Mend My Shoe
        ii.    Mary Had a Little Lamb
        iii.   The Child and the Star
        iv.   Pat-a-Cake, Baker's Man
        v.    Little Drops of Water
        vi.   Rain
        vii.  Rich Man, Poor Man
        viii. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep


Poets on Pigs - (2005) Mary Buchanan, Noel Coward, Sian Davies, Ogden Nash, 'Mother Goose,' Alfred Scott Gatty, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sara Teasdale, Christopher Smart, Archibald Stodart-Walker, a traditional anonymous poem and a poem by the composer
    for mezzo soprano and piano
         i.   The Pig - a Limerick
        ii.   The Pig - a Fable
        iii.  This Pig Went to Market - a traditional English child's poem
        iv.  Dickory, dickory, dare - from Mother Goose
        v.   Three Little Pigs -- the Traditional Story newly told in rhyme
        vi.  The Spectre Pig -- a Ghost Story
        vii.  Piggy Patter, Piggy Platter -- a Patter Song
        viii. The Star and the Pig -- an Art Poem
        ix.  Politics is where the pig -- an Editorial
        x.  The Three Little Pigs -- another of the Three Pig Stories
        xi.  Early Bacon! -- an Appreciation of the Butchered Pig
        xii. Any Part of Piggy -- in Summary....


Songs of War - (2004) Thomas Hardy, Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Isaac Rosenberg, Rudyard Kipling and Rupert Brooke    YR1539
    for baritone and piano
        i.     In Time of the Breaking of Nations
        ii.    The Send-Off
        iii.   Attack
        iv.   Dead Man's Dump
        v.    Gethsemane
        vi.   Danny Deever
        vii.  The Dead


Three Little Americana Songs - (1985) texts as set by Charles Ives
    for medium voice and piano
        i.     Nature
        ii.    Ann Street
        iii.   Like a sick eagle


Das Tierische Lied von der Erde - (2001) Christian Morgenstern, Hermann Ling, Joseph Viktor Scheffel, Edwin Bormann, Matthias Claudius, and an anonymous text from "Allgemeine Deutsche Commersbuch"    
    for bass and piano
        i.     Das ästhetische Wiesel
        ii.    Das Krokodil
        iii.   Ein Hering liebt' eine Auster
        iv.   Der alte Marabu
        v.    Gänse
        vii.  Wassermaus und Kröte


Unsinn Poesie - (1995) Brigitte Peter, Gerhard Rühm and Martin Walser
    for medium voice and piano
        i.     Ein Zungenzerfitzler
        ii.    sonnett
        iii.   Professoren-Liedchen