Andante lirico No 12 - (2021) 
for organ
As both another study in extending a single (0r very few chord structures into longer events) and for the sheer enjoyment of playing out an idea in the "minimalist" strategy for composing, this 3 minute work uses the tonic major with an added minor sixth, as neither a progression or succession in the sense of Schoenberg's distinction, but as the foundation for the entire work. The arpeggio in the left hand moves between imversions at times, but the harmony is static. The bass line's impact seems to add some structure harmonically, and over this a simple inverted melodic arch as top voice plays out.

2 pages, circa 3' 00" an MP3 demo is here:
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this organ score.

Andante lirico No 12 - 8 1/2 x 11