Zur Ruh', zur Ruh' - (2012) 
Justinus Kerner
for medium or low voice and piano
Zur Ruh', zur Ruh',
Ihr müden Glieder!
Schließt fest euch zu,
Ihr Augenlider!
Ich bin allein,
Fort ist die Erde;
Nacht muß es sein,
Daß Licht mir werde.
O führt mich ganz,
Ihr innern Mächte!
Hin zu dem Glanz
Der tiefsten Nächte.
Fort aus dem Raum
Der Erdenschmerzen,
Durch Nacht und Traum
Zum Mutterherzen!
2 pages, circa 2' 00"

Justinus Kerner
To sleep, to sleep
To sleep, to sleep, you exhausted limbs!
Close fast, you eyelids!
I am alone, the world has gone on without me;
It must be night that becomes my lantern;
O guide me well, inner powers!
to the splendour of deepest night -
out of the realm of earthly pain
through night and dream to the heart of life!
Translation from German to English copyright © by Emily Ezust, of The Lied, Art Song, and Choral Texts Archive.

This is a simple, two-verse song form, the accompaniment repeating a harmonic progression twice within each verse. A small introduction and bridge serve for variety and the vocal range is as limited as to allow any voice type to sing it.

The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.

Zur Ruh', zur Ruh'