Two Bar Licks and Fugues - (2011)
for piano
This has been a little exercise in writing two-bar phrases which when strung together would form a work. Thus the "licks" are each repeated twice until the first small fugue is begun. The lighter, popular style is a levity against the more severe sides of music, as I have been working to finish an opera of dark and dramatic mood in this same period.

The first of the fugues is structured as a small hemiola, within the measure. For this the counterpoint is suggested as opposing this musical sense.

The second fugue subject is related to the first, and later in this second fugue, both subjects come together in a small and amusing double fugue. The "curtain" between the two fugues and the coda are drawn from the "two bar licks" of the opening, bringing this short work to its close.

The score is 5 pages, with an approximate performance time of 4' 20." 
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano score.

Two Bar Licks and Fugues