Toccata in D flat major - (2023) 
for organ
for JooSoo Son
This last weekend, I attended a recital by the accomplished organist, JoSoo Son, sponsored by the Charleston AGO chapter. Bach, Beethoven, Widor and some of her own compositions were the fare for the late morning concert. Her family was in attendance, including her six children whom she and her husband are home schooling..
We'd spoken some afterwards, about Widor and my recollection of another organist, Richard Keys Biggs, and suggested I pen something. She suggested a toccata, and given the charming six children, 'six' became the material of this work, sixths easily found in the tonal chords. of course, but additionally the time signature of 6/8 was suggested. And of course a small fughetta as a center section of this work features sixths.

The small fughetta is constructed for the fun of it on intervals of a sixth, as beginning at the pickup to measure 59, rising in the first portion and, as a measure 62 and thereafter falling sixths in succession.. The fughetta progresses towards a recapitulation of the opening of the toccata. To further the "theme of the sixth, the work is of six pages, and approximately six minutes duration.

6 pages, circa 6' 00" an MP3 demo is here:
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this organ score.

Toccata in D flat major