Sonatina for Flute and Positive Organ - (2018) 
Last weekend, my wife and I listened to a radio broadcast from Lemgo, with a piece by Bach played for these two instruments. The charming colors inspired thought, and this little work is the end result. Sometimes termed a continuo organ, the notion of using such a continuo instrument in the context of chamber works is an easy extension of its use in choral and some operatic works works, especially of the Baroque era.

The first movement is in rondo form, with contrasting episodes to the more outgoing first theme. The score is marked with register suggestions, as the stopped 8' foot is throughout, while a 4' as available on various instruments might be of varying colors, metal versus stopped wood. The compass of the keyboard should be a minimum of C to d3, though the single appearance of the highest D in the accompaniment can be played an octave beneath for those keyboards with lesser range.

The second movement is a passacaglia, a ground bass which then finds its way into the top voice of the organ at one point. Counterpoint is passed between the two players. An introductory six measures serve to break the buoyant mood of the previous movement.

The final movement is a fugue in 6/8, accompanied by a bass voice from the outset. The subject and first answer are both found in the keyboard, as the flute decorates before taking up its subject in a return to the tonic.

12 pages, circa 8' 45" - an MP3 demo is here: 
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this score.

Sonatina for Flute and Positive Organ

Sonatina for Flute and Positive Organ - Flute Part