Sonatina for Trumpet and Organ - (2012) 
for Rainer Auerbach
The opening motive -- C-D-G -- is expressed in different ways by organ and then trumpet. In a differing rhythm as at measures 9-10 and beyond, the trumpet completes the gesture as has the organ earlier, while the organ makes a variant for its counterpoint. The allegretto is marked by a set of terraced dynamics, as development of intervals in theme play out gently at first and then with increasing rhythmic and dynamic gestures.

The allegretto gives way to a gentle adagio, the written ornamentation for the organ becoming the lyric gesture for the trumpet. The move from the tonic major to relative minor completes the change of musical scene.

The adagio is followed by a vivo, the relative minor now consistently colored by the raised sixths and sevenths in a canonic dialogue between the players. With rhythmic offsets and some registration changes as marked for the organ, this movement breaks from both the opening allegretto and subsequent adagio.

The vivo ends and two reminiscences from the adagio and opening allegretto yield to a cut time contrapuntal movement, incorporating a new theme with earlier gestures and themes in this prestissimo. The whole is summed up in a final declaration of the opening gestures for organ and trumpet in an ending marked maestoso.

25 pages plus 5 pages for Trumpet in B flat part, circa 16' 00" - an MP3 demo is here: 
The score is available as a free PDF download formatted for both letter and A4 size paper, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this score with part (30 pages).

Sonatina for Trumpet and Organ - 8½ x 11
score and parts

Sonatina for Trumpet and Organ - A4
score and parts

Additional Trumpet in C part
if desired