Rondo cantabile - (2008) 
for horn in F and organ
This gentle rondo form employs the manual coupler -- I to Pedal -- to allow the feet to play the lower voices in six and seven part chords throughout, an 8' gedeckt or bourdon stop suggested as the beginning registration to accompany the singing lines of the horn solo above. The horn range is as noted below. The score is notated as "in C" but the horn part is properly transposed.
[ 6 pages, circa 6' 30"]

The harmonic shifts up to the diatonic scale from major to step-wise major are subtle, and the tempo should accommodate the breath of the horn player. Rubati as the performers feel them are encouraged, and the score is unmarked with dynamics, allowing the performers to interpret the work according to the rooms and reverberations which various buildings have.

The score for Rondo cantabile is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer.
Please note the paper format for printing is in the European A4 size, which can be easily re-sized with most PDF printer applications for an 8½ x 11 inch paper size; the Adobe Reader application is recommended.

Rondo cantabile - score

Rondo cantabile - horn part