Quartet for Winds - (2010) 
i. Contrappunto - [ 7 pages, circa 2' 00" ] 
After an opening riot of half-step runs and trills, the counterpoint opens with the subject in the oboe. This subject appears in the expected dominant relationship first in the flute, and thence later in other guises to include parallel fifths and canon-like episodes.

ii. Cantabile - [ 4 pages, circa 3' 05" ] 
The song-like ornamentations are sung out in canon at the measure, first between one set of voices, followed by a slower solo for oboe, and then in other combinations, with the flute taking up the cantabile for a second appearance.

iii. Adagio leggiero - [ 2 pages, circa 2' 50" ] 
The texture of this adagio is made of separate notes for each instrument, the whole coming from the interplay between them as the seconds clash in light dissonance towards varying resolutions.

iv. Capriccio - [ 6 pages, circa 2' 35" ] 
The romp for the last movement is one of seven chords and falling half-step releases, followed by a pop-like theme with syncopations and widely spaced voicing in the top voices against the triplet movement in the bassoon.

[ Total duration of full score, 19 pages, circa 10' 30" ]
The score for Quartet for Winds is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this score. For instrumental parts in PDF format, please contact me at the email address as found on the Contact Information page of this site, being sure to site the work in the subject line of any email message.

Quartet for Winds
full score