Selected Press TRISTAN  As Tristan with Frances Ginzer as Isolde - Florentine Opera Florentine's Gary Bachlund is a genuine heroic tenor, his solidly constructed instrument dark and baritonal in the lower and middle ranges, yet steady and firmly ringing at the top. He is a restrained, dignified knight (slender as no other Tristan of memory), but one burning with an inner intensity that scorches the beholder's emotions. Moreover, he is a tireless artist, retaining abundant strength for the unremitting rigors of a third act (done with only a few standard cuts). A masterful, profoundly touching interpretation. The News-Chronicle
Bachlund and Ginzer carried two of the heaviest vocal loads in all of opera with grace and dignity. Both were far beyond merely getting the notes out or blowing the back wall out of the hall. They parsed Wagner's long lines to make their structural and emotional meanings legible. Their singing drew in the ear and made the music not only powerful, but seductive. Journal Sentinel Tenor Gary Bachlund was a Tristan of noble bearing--a trim, physically fit hero. He had the requisite resources, and his slightly dry tone and unfailing stamina were often reminiscent of Jon Vickers. Bachlund's engaged, intense acting and impressive, heroic singing yielded a vibrant and fulfilling realization of the role. Opera Canada Publications authoritative Tristan. Opera News TANNHÄUSER
As Tannhäuser with Susan Owen as Elizabeth - Palm Beach Gary Bachlund, that rarest of creatures, a true Wagnerian tenor, sang the title role Friday with vigor and conviction, lyrical smoothness and an intensity throughout - a heroic feat, considering that he was on the Kravis Center stage practically all evening. Bachlund could be brilliantly reckless, as in the erotic song that scandalizes the Act II troubadours' competition, Dir, Göttin der Liebe. Palm Beach Post
The Tannhäuser of Gary Bachlund, of course, was very present visually, but also triumphant vocally with a brilliant sound in this dangerous role which balanced between the bel canto and the Wagnerian heldentenor. La Libre Belgique had the greatest hope to have found a Wagner tenor for the future. After his debut as Tannhäuser, one must admit perhaps so. Bachlund showed more than ample voice. The first act Preis-lied strophes were superior, well as his third act Rome Narrative. Nordbayerische Kurier
For Tannhäuser the young American, Gary Bachlund, was brought in. As for the great Rome Narrative in the third act, he had more than enough heroic reserve. Wochenblatt SIEGMUND  As Siegmund - Florentine Opera Today's finest Siegmund is tenor Placido Domingo, but Mr. Bachlund's full, baritone-tinted voice and his easy, energetic singing can easily stand comparison with his more famous colleague. Dallas Morning News
The singer who made the biggest impact on me was Gary Bachlund, as Siegmund. He has a dramatic talent and voice of a young Jon Vickers. He also possesses athleticism and good looks, and created a sensation when he made love to an equally attractive Sieglinde on Hunding's table during the closing bars of Act One.... could be the answer to all our heldentenor prayers. Wagner News (London)
...a strongly baritonal Siegmund.... Neue Zürcher Zeitung
The vocal "find" of this year's "Ring" is American tenor Gary Bachlund as Siegmund, the forest outlaw who is the central figure in the first act. Bachlund is a lyric heldentenor of the first rank, displaying a voice that is strong in the upper and middle registers and amazing in its baritonal lower register. He was vocally and physically perfect in his role. Arizona Sun
Notice should be made of the striking baritonal Siegmund of Gary Bachlund, who resembles Thomas Gottschalk and sounds like Jon Vickers. Die Welt
...the timbre of a Wagner tenor of a dream. La Libre Belgique
...the fascinating Gary Bachlund, a sensitive actor, handsome and delicate, a vibrant and passionate tenor the most believable of Siegmunds. La Libre Belgique excellent Die Walküre. Gary Bachlund offered a resonant, powerful Siegmund, with the acting skills and trim physique to make his heroic figure believable. Opera News
He colors instinctively what he sings; the baritonal impact allows the voice both lyricism and effortless power, and impressed as always well-placed and round. Orpheus PARSIFAL
As Parsifal with Harald Stamm as Gurnemanz - Royal Opera de la Monniae ...a Parsifal more than honest: a reality. Midi Libre
He has a sonorous, well produced, lightly baritonal tenor with radiant highs and a faultless, accent-free pronunciation. Moreover, he looks good, acts well, and his versatility borders on being acrobatic. A new star in the heaven of Wagner tenors. Handelsblatt
...a voice that throughout answers precisely with color and carrying power that for which Wagner asks. Arhemse Courant
...a voice like Irish coffee; subtly intoxicating, baritone dark at the bottom with a splash of tenor cream at the top. Die Welt
A true Wagnerian tenor in the person of Gary Bachlund. La Libre Belgique
...a wonderful Parsifal. De Telegraaf
...a new Wagner tenor of real quality, the tone firm and even from bottom to top. Opera
To create Parsifal, one called on the young American tenor, Gary Bachlund. must acknowledge that his interpretation is amongst the best. His acting is superb and his voice clear, strong and shining and lightly baritonal, mastery with rare flexibility throughout the demands of this important role. Le Semaine d'Anvers
...a handsome presence and a real heroic tenor. New York Times
BACCHUS  As Bacchus - Festival de Radio France et de Montpellier Gary Bachlund is a quite remarkable Bacchus, projecting strong, muscled phrases in a burnished tone without any sense of strain. The Times ...a radiant Bacchus... a solid tenor with ringing highs.
De Standaard ...a personable young man, every inch a hero, and blest with a ringing and mellifluous heroic tenor. of the few Bacchuses I shall remember gladly.
...godlike good looks and a strong, darkly baritonal tenor. the small number of the world's acceptable Bacchuses he makes a worthy addition. Financial Times
Tenor Gary Bachlund, a handsome Bacchus, sang with heavily colored timbre and surging power. Opera News Gary Bachlund made a good job of the taxing role of Bacchus. The Musical Times
DER KÖNIG KANDAULES  As Kandaules - Opera Royal de Wallonie ...interpreted by the solid heroic tenor of Gary Bachlund, capable of doing justice to the complex motivations of his character. Opéra Magazine
Tenor Gary Bachlund is exactly the personage of the aging esthete who defiles beauty by cutting it apart. Le Figaro
Wagnerian tenor Gary Bachlund creates a superb, fine figure of Kandaules, seductive yet disquieted, vocally very much in form.... Le Soir Bachlund did well and earned merit in the overwhelming title role of Kandaules, with a class and composure which put forth the person of this king, and also a seductive vocal suavity. Consistent and well projected from one extreme to the other, his voice is typical of the Strauss tenor with a beautiful range, the top always well controlled but with radiance. Opera Giocoso The cast is superlative, with the fine heldentenor of Gary Bachlund as an elegant yet pathetic Kandaules.... Forumopera Kandaules was the American tenor Gary Bachlund. He used his sparkling strong tenor in perfect highs and played the role with great naturalism. Der Neue Merker
...a Kandaules most profound in his superficiality.... Semaine FLORESTAN
As Florestan - Los Angeles Opera ...a lyric, yet powerful voice, in fascinating collaboration with the orchestra. Davar (Israel)
As Florestan, Gary Bachlund showed fire reminiscent of Jon Vickers. His inspirational aria "Gott, welch' dunkel hier" rose from the depth of despair to end in a series of final cries. Variety
Tenor Gary Bachlund, a handsome Bacchus, sang well as Florestan. Bachlund possesses commanding vocal power and strength. Monterey County Herald
Heroic tenor Gary Bachlund as Florestan... gave a superb performance that again gave me goose bumps. The Californian JIMMY MCINTYRE As Jimmy with Anna Steiger as Jenny, Jonathan Mack, Louis Lebherz, and John Atkins- Los Angeles Opera ...carries the evening because of his aloof, low-key approach and command of the vocal line. San Diego Tribune
...vocal fire reminiscent of Jon Vickers. Variety
...kudos especially to the Jimmy McIntyre of Gary Bachlund. Musical America
Gary Bachlund brings an appropriate touch of Nelson Eddy to the role of the doomed hero. Time Magazine High marks went to the Jimmy of Gary Bachlund (whose operatic specialty is Parsifal). He dominated the stage with vocal and dramatic presence.... Star News
...tenor Gary Bachlund sounded fresh and heroic - his Siegmund must be something to hear.... Hollywood Reporter Of the singers, the best was Gary Bachlund as Jimmy - a handsome presence and a real heroic tenor. New York Times
As Erik with Julie Dalton as Senta - Opera New Zealand Gary Bachlund (Erik) gave a passionate portrayal. New Zealand Herald Top class. Onstage as Erik was Gary Bachlund, a true heldentenor with the dark-colored timbre which so easily calls to mind a thoughts of a Tristan. Der Neue Merker
...heroically radiant tenor. Kölnische Rundschau With a flexible tenor, Gary Bachlund succeeded in creating with sense and understanding the conflicted Erik. Opernnetz Gary Bachlund as Erik took the stage as a real heldentenor, one with a darkly colored timbre which easily makes associations with Tristan. Der Opern Freund Gary Bachlund succeeds as Erik with a flexible tenor throughout in feeling as well as diction. Opernnetz - Zeitschrift fuer Musiktheater und Oper DMITIRIJ (Boris Godunov - Original Version)
As Dmitrij, Gary Bachlund delivered a clean part, throughout adaptable to the dark sides of this dark character. Opernwelt
The cloistered monk Grigorij (Gary Bachlund) shines and creates a living Dmitrij, to conquer the Kremlim. Thüringer Allgemeine MISCELLANY ...a heroic tenor, more vibrant than one expected. [ Verdi's Otello ] Frankfurter Neue Presse ...heroic and Wagnerian as one wished for. [ in concert ] La Libre Belgique ...with Grace Bumbry, Shirley Verret and Gary Bachlund, one had engaged also the most interesting artists. [ Berlioz' Les Troyens ] Online Musik Magazin ...a big, rich, noble voice which was used with great musicianship and expressive force throughout the evening. [ Marvin David Levy's Masada ] Chicago Sun-Times Tenor Gary Bachlund sang strongly and looked agonized in the victim-bent title part. [ Dominick Argento's A Dream of Valentino] Opera News
