Partita No 3 for Harpsichord - (2019) 
The work is predicated on a classic, five octave instrument, F to f. The "buff" colors of the lute register across the range of the instrument and in dense chord voicing make for an interesting opening gambit for this partita.

A contrasting section using a single register sings its melody, decorated at in the lower octaves in a somewhat somber character.

A fugato in a fast tempo follows, again in the lower range of the instrument.

A lyrical adagio follows, triadic harmonies sustained as voices above and below have their conversation.

A final fugue with a somewhat lengthy subject concludes the work, bringing back elements from the earlier passages.

8 pages, circa 11' 15" - an MP3 demo is here: 
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this score.

Partita No 3 for Harpsichord