On "Két szál pünkösdrózsa" - (2024) 
Another children's song from Hungary tells in lyrics of flowers, two peonies and then the rose, as metaphor for the love of one with "blushing cheeks" and the movement of eyes and smile of lips. "Béla Vikár deserves credit for finding a tool enabling the modern and objective documentation in folk music collection, the phonograph." In "The Beginnings of Ethnomusicological Research in Hungary," István PávaiIstván Pávai, 2017, Museum of Music History, Institute for Musicology, RCH, Budapest. Together with Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, thousands of tunes were "captured" on cyclinder and in notation. This tune is among them.
The text, for those so interested: "Két szál pünkösdrózsa, / Kihajlott az útra, / El akar hervadni, / Nincs ki leszakítsa. / Nem ám az a rózsa, / Ki a kertbe nyílik, / Hanem az a rózsa, / Ki egymást szereti. / Nem szeretlek másért, / Két piros orcádért, / Szemed járásáért, / Szád mosolygásáért."

3 pages, circa 3' 30" - an MP3 demo is here: 
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this score and parts.

On "Két szál pünkösdrózsa"