On "Den Lille Ole med Paraplyen" - (2018) 
for piano

Detail from an etching of Den Lille Ole med Paraplyen by Vilhelm Pedersen (1820-1859).
A Danish text by Peter Lemche was set to music by Ole Jacobsen in 1873, and begins: "Den lille Ole med paraplyen, / ham kender alle småfolk i byen, / hver lille pige, hver lille dreng, / han lægger sødt i sin lille seng." In English, "Ole, the little Sandman with the umbrella, knows all the small folk in the town, every little girl, every little boy, and stays with each in a little bed." As a lullaby, these little variation on Jacobsen's melody move towards a whispered ending, as the lullaby sings a child to sleep under the mythic shelter of that umbrella.
2 pages, circa 3' 00" - an MP3 demo is here: 
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano score.

On "Den Lille Ole med Paraplyen"