On Contrapunctus XIX - (2012) 
for piano
The introduction to theme in the bass at measure 4 sets the tonality. Measures 5-7 and again at 9-11 combine the B-A-C-H germ as a soprano line with the counterpoint to the main theme, while the bass line takes up the germ at measures 12-14, answered at 15-16 in the soprano line. The statements of the main theme yield then to one of the second fugue subjects as stated in The Art of the Fugue.

The countersubject is treated with the twelfth displacement above and a dotted rhythm to contrast with the equal eighths below. Allowing the tonality to wander by whole tone colors brings and answer on the raised mediant. after some development further harmonic digressions still return the subject to its original tonality.

The second theme is combined with the B-A-C-H germ in several transpositions as an interior counterpoint beginning at measure 61 and thereafter. Following this the main subject is stated in parallel fifths and then in canon on quarter apart in a sweet harmonic blur. Additional statements of the subjects and a short dalliance in the relative major bring this essay on the themes to its gentle close.

4 pages, circa 5' 30" - an MP3 demo is here: 
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano score.

On Contrapunctus X1X