On Contrapunctus I - (2012) 
an essay for piano
In studying Bach's Die Kunst der Fuge, the high point of contrapuntal writing to almost all composers, I thought to make some essays based on the fugue subject and its various treatments by our Papa Bach, as he was affectionately and sometimes derisively called. The first fugue for four voices as noted in his score is shown beneath a reinterpretation of the theme into a more dense harmonic as well as melodic Klang. By reason of my adaptation, the counterpoint which Bach's becomes altered along with the alteration to the subject, for one follows implications more than strict models. For this and following some implications of the new harmonic content, this fugue leaves the tonic-dominant fulcrum to find its way into the mediant minor and others in response. A slight variant is that the original answer substitutes the opening fifth with an opening fourth, that the tonality be less impacted by the shift while in this fugue the opening fifth is maintained. This essay is in part my thanks to J. S. Bach for the wondrous instruction he has given us all.

2 pages, circa 3' 10" - an MP3 demo is here: 
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano score.

On Contrapunctus I