On "A la puerta del cielo" - (2024) 
Noted as of Spanish or Basque source, this sweet lullaby has been interpreted in many ways.
"A la puerta del cielo / Venden zapatos / Para los angelitos / Que andan descalzos / Duérmete niño / Duérmete niño / Duérmete niño / Arrú arrú / A los niños que duermen / Dios los bendice / A las madres que velan / Dios las asiste / Duérmete niño / Duérmete niño / Duérmete niño / Arrú arrú."
Translated: "At the gates of heaven, / They sell shoes / For the little angels / That go barefoot. / Sleep baby, / Sleep baby, / Sleep baby, / Hush-a-bye now. / The children who sleep, / God bless them. / The mothers who watch, / God helps them (and refrain).

2 pages, circa 3' 15" - an MP3 demo is here: 
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this score and parts.

On "A la puerta del cielo"