Little Changes and Fugue - (2011) 
for piano
The so-called "Coltrane changes" are a complete jazz progression, named for famed saxophonist John Coltrane. The changes and their related "Coltrane substitution cycle" move quickly through a series of mostly non-repetitious seven chords, major and minor. Movement through seconds and thirds, rather than the older progressions yields a certain freshness. The giocoso mood of the prelude is heightened with some jazz-flavored licks.

The fugue takes a lick from the prelude, and adapts it to a stand-alone motive, with some assistance from several of the "changes," this subject answers not in the dominant, but secondary dominant as well. A secco gesture ends the fugue in a similar way that another breaks the harmonic rush of the prelude.

The score is 3 pages, with an approximate performance time of 3' 00." 
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano score.

Little Changes and Fugue