Humoresque and Fugue in B minor - (2012) 
for piano
The interval of the twelfth modifies the simple opening gambit into an interesting Klang. This little gesture is extended with a motet-like set of voices in parallel movement, and then the larger arch is extended, the two phrases linked together into one, as at measure twelve. An episode of a four-part chorale texture provides gentle contrast.

The fugue subject is related to the opening gambit of the humoresque, now in a Gestalt of triads in first inversion, altered to many more minor chords than suggested by the key signature. The answer at measure forty-five adds a single voice as counterpoint, and thereafter until the last statements in which the fugue subject is played out with its twelfth above in a complex polytonal color, ending in the whisper of the minor tonic.

2 pages, circa 4' 00" - an MP3 demo is here: 
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano score.

Humoresque and Fugue in B minor