For a gentle moment of reflection, this simple melody, accompanied in four- and five-part harmony, sings in quiet thoughts of succor and calm, as set against the turbulence of the world and its strife.

Marcia Hannah Farmer (1926–1996) – A Remembrance
"Marcia was my mentor, in the fullest sense. I was eleven years old when she was appointed Choirmaster-Organist at First Presbyterian Church, Santa Monica, California. She recognized my musical talents and helped me to cultivate them, first as a boy soprano and later as an organist. In 1969 and 1970, she also hired a young singer (then-baritone) Gary Bachlund to play the part of King Melchior in Menotti’s Amahl and the Night Visitors, as she skillfully trained me to sing the title role. When my voice changed, I began studying organ with Marcia. As her student for four years, she not only taught manual and pedal technique and the various illusive arts of organ-playing, but engendered a passionate love of the repertoire and of connection with the audience – whether in church or in concert. As her assistant at First Presbyterian, I learned every aspect of church music: the wide range of administrative tasks, service-playing, score preparation, conducting techniques, rehearsal planning, and – perhaps most importantly – building a community within the choirs. Over the years, as my career grew, I continued to seek her counsel and receive her wisdom, and I continue to live out of her mentorship to this day, with deep gratitude."
James Walker, Director of Music
All Saints Church
Pasadena, California.
September, 2010