Arabesque and Fugue in A - (2023) 
for organ
Thinking about the long historical relationship between major and minor tonalities, and their notations, the notion of a small work in which the gestures move back and forth between these domains came to mind. Together across long arches, yielding back and forth. Thus is this work seemingly one while being both. For convenience the minor key is choesn for the signature, and the pedal plays its part as tonic pedal to the arabesque..

The fugue subject moves between major and minor, the intervals of the third minor, forcing C and C sharp to play their logical roles in the larger whole. Gestural material from the arabesque add to the unity.

5 pages, circa 5' 45" an MP3 demo is here:
The score is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this organ score.

Arabesque and Fugue in A