

Supplication - (2010)    

Joseph S. Cotter, Jr.

for medium voice and piano


I am so tired and weary,
    So tired of the endless fight,
So weary of waiting the dawn
    And finding endless night.

That I ask but rest and quiet--
    Rest for days that are gone,
And quiet for the little space
    That I must journey on.

[ 2 pages, circa 2' 15" ]

Joseph S. Cotter, Jr.


This text is found in The Book of American Negro Poetry, published in 1922, James Weldon Johnson, ed. (1871–1938).



This is a simple, hymn-like setting with a four-measure phrase answered by a seven-measure arch, after the simple introduction. The texture is simple and freedom with rubato is encouraged.



The score for Supplication is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.

