Das Parlament


Das Parlament - (2013)    

Joachim Ringelnatz

for medium voice and piano


Im Parlament geht's zu.
Was die für Schnäbel haben, –
Da sind wir Waisenknaben
Dagegen, ich und du.

Mein Onkel Rolf aus Rügen,
Der ist einmal hineingewählt.
Wenn er recht voll ist und erzählt,
Dann merkt man, wie die lügen.

Ich habe selber zugeschaut,
Wie der das Volk vertrat.
Das geht auf keine Kuhhaut.
Man meint, die spielen Skat.

Nur manchmal, wenn der Präsident
Laut läutet, gibt es Ruhe.
Doch alles, was im Parlament
Geschieht, ist nur Getue.

Sie wollen sich in Wirklichkeit
Nur großtun und vertagen
Und freun sich auf die Ferienzeit.
Wo wir die Steuern tragen.

Mir geht das ganz daneben.
Ich bin selbst im Gesangverein.
Die wolln halt auch beisammen sein.
Und jeder Mensch will leben.

4 pages, circa 2' 10"

Joachim Ringlenatz




Into parliament they all of them go,
Those who would feed, don't you know,
From others; we, the orphaned foe,
Must make do with the crumbs they bestow.

My uncle Rolf -- he was Rügen-born,
Then elected thereby to toot his own horn.
When in his bully-pulpit, eve and morn,
One saw he lied in words now well worn.

I myself have seen it too well
As our politicians weave their spun spell.
It staggers me that they prosper so well,
Playing friendly games as they bicker and yell.

Then there are times when a President
Calls out for order, to better cement
The imagery which they all must invent
To pose as if they do you represent.

Then there are times of harsh reality
When all adjourn from criminality
To vacation and feast with cordiality,
Supported by taxation's fat suavity.

I think I'll stand for a parliament seat.
In their glee club, I'd not miss a beat.
Then we all could together meet,
And everyone dine off another man's meat.


rhymed paraphrase by the composer


Copyright © 2013  Gary Bachlund



 The text is found in his collection, Allerdings (1928). Under European law, Ringelnatz' work is in the public domain throughout Europe.


The setting in divided into strophes akin to Ringelnatz', but alternates between two themes, the first in cut time and the second in 3/4 with the quarter note equal between them. The last two verses slip up by a half step in a quasi-music hall style. One will find a portions of the national anthem in as introductory material, bridge material and in inversion in the alto voice of the accompaniment at times to reference Haydn's well-known melody of 1797. For other settings of Ringelnatz' text, click here.


The score for Das Parlament is available as a free PDF download, though any major commercial performance or recording of the work is prohibited without prior arrangement with the composer. Click on the graphic below for this piano-vocal score.


Das Parlament